Rescue Me!
Chow Chow Louisiana Chow Chow Rescue Groups

Rescue Me! Tip: If you take your dog for a walk on a leash for at least 30 minutes a day, it is much less likely to have behavior problems.

 7,719 Chow Chow Dogs have been adopted on Rescue Me!   Post Chow Chow for Adoption

Louisiana Chow Chow Dog Rescue Group Directory

 Help keep this page updated:  Click the small x to the right of a group's name and Shelter # to report an error.

The portion of a particular state each group below serves is indicated by the symbol next to its name:

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 Listings are alphabetized by county (when known). 

Pointe Coupee Animal Shelter (Shelter #1130401) x
Pointe Coupee Parish Hwy 1/ Morganza Hwy, New Roads, LA 70760 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: Kayren 225-772-6814

Can't reach someone in Louisiana? Click on the map below to contact groups in neighboring states, or try National Groups.
Still can't find the help you need? Try contacting Louisiana Dog Rescue Groups that help all breeds.

This map shows how many Chow Chow Rescue Groups are in each state.
Click on a number to view a list of all Chow Chow rescue groups in that state.

Chow Chow

Louisiana Rescue Groups


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